Mar 31, 2020

March Throwback

Hello Friend!  ♥

This March has been crazy unique. I mean, with so many changes in our world, it's caught a lot of us off guard and shaken a foundation we thought was secure. For me, it's given me the chance to slow down and ask hard questions. Who am I? What's my purpose? What is life? What's my value? Who am I to God, and Who is He?

Finding the answers is hard. But it can be so freeing.

Today, on the last day of March, I'm looking back. I'm rejoicing in where God worked last March, the year before and so many years back. And here's a peek into His goodness + some fun things on the blog from years before.

A timely reminder for all of us with spare time on our hands, in 2016 I scribbled down a list of 75 random acts of kindness. Yes, it took a while to come up with that many ideas. *covers face* But seriously, spend today blessing someone!

2017 had so much learning and growth, like wisdom in decision making.

In 2018, our family had a crazy intro to spring with two dozen animals born all at once. Fun learning times.  *grins*  And then later that month, there was a new vlog post AND my baby sister was born! She's now 2 years old and crazy loved. ♥ And I am officially dubbed me "Neena."

Last year, 2019, was The Torch Keepers' cover reveal!

And God has worked so much through this March too. As today closes and the month slips away, I'm rejoicing in how good, how faithful, how true He is.

I'm savoring new songs He has put into my heart, passages that He used to inspire me, people He brought into my life.

And even old lessons that He is reteaching me, like the blog post below that continues to be my challenge: am I living a life solely for Jesus?

Friend, whatever happened this March or the ones already past, you are so loved. And Jesus has a purpose.

So let's share: how has God been working? If your month was described in a word, what would it be? How is quarantine going for you? Did any of these old blog posts encourage you? What songs have been on your heart?

God's got April and May and June and this whole world, just like He had March. You're never alone. ♥

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Romans 5:1



  1. Amen, my friend. He has this. All of this. Every day, every moment of our lives belongs to Him, and I am so very thankful. ♥ As I look back on years gone by, then turn my eyes to the present, I can see His hand at work in my life in ways I never would have imagined. Truly, He has the best plans in mind for His children. ♥ Keep trusting in Him!!

    1. Oh yes, Ellen! It's something I'm continually learning: that His plans are. always. best. He is good and does good. May we learn that to be more and more true in the deepest part of our hearts. *hugs*

  2. This is such a wonderful message, "Neena!" He does have everything in control <3 It reminds me of the song "Far too Wonderful" by Shane and Shane where it says:

    You wrote the story of my life,
    You go before, You fall behind.
    Before a breath, beyond my death,
    You will lead me all the way to everlasting.

    He must love us a whole lot to always be there for us and be watching over us for eternity! <3 What a wonderful God we serve!

    1. Yes, Praise!! I was just thinking of that same truth, that He writes our story; how glad I am that I can leave it in His hands and know He is faithful to complete it!

      You're amazing and so, so loved! *hugs*

  3. Hi Hosanna!

    I was very encouraged to find your blog today. It is so God-honouring - and His love for you and the way you share it with others is uplifting and wonderful! I particularly loved the fairytale/allegory you wrote on your "the story" page. It really blessed me today. =D

    I am homeschooled and also love writing (and daydreaming about writing), and I'm starting up a blog dedicated to encouraging people to 1) find godly and well written books and 2) share the gospel and find creative ways to do that.

    I read all about your book The Torch Keepers - I could really identify with Kadira and guess what, I am most like her on the personality test! She reminded me a lot of the female voice/"my love" from Song of Solomon.

    Anyway, I hope you have a blessed day and I can't wait to see more of your writings! They inspired me a lot!

    ~ Jemima |

    1. Hello Jemima! You have a beautiful name, and it's so nice to "meet" you! *hugs* Thank you for your encouragement! And it's fun how you have a lot in common with Kadira; I hope you can read her story one day. =)

      I'm so thrilled for you starting a blog for Jesus! I encourage you to always write for Him, to know Him better, to share His love. It's easy to get distracted by stats or followers, but He is so worthy and good! When we write for Jesus, it turns ordinary words into something way bigger.

      You're so loved, girly! I'm praying for you today, and know that if you ever need writing or blogging advice or a friend to talk to, I'm here for ya!

      Jesus loves you!

    2. Thank you *so* much! =D Yeah, it's definitely easy to be building our own little blog kingdom instead of advancing God's big wonderful one... But he giveth more grace!


      ~ Jemima

    3. Absolutely, Jemima!! And I'm so very thankful for that grace! Blessings, girl. ♥

  4. I read your book "The Mystery of the Midnight Trespasser". I really enjoyed it and hope to read "The Torch Keepers" soon. :-)

    1. Lilly, that just brightened my day! Praise God!! Thank you so much for your sweet encouragement. *hugs*
