I'm not supposed to be here.
There are two mountains around me, and I'm in the middle. They tower, high, like stone walls ready to tumble and crush me. And I stand here, my feet wet in the valley brook, sun burning my eyes.
I run a hand through my short curls. They catch on windswept tangles, and tears leap to my eyes. I thrust up my chin and ignore the voices cutting around me.
"He just came to see the battle. Insolent." My brother's voice rains like ice.
Even the King's whispers meet me in this battlefield. "He's not able."
I straighten. But my shoulders don't rise to the height of a man. They're right - I'm too young, too weak, too scared.
Blood flushes into my face.
Across the valley, I hear the laughter of the enemy. And there, in the midst of them, stands my giant.
He's four feet taller, a whole lot stronger, and way better armed. A servant struggles under the giant's shield as the warrior watches me, sword, spear, javelin in hand.
I kneel. My knees are wet in the water as I fish my hands through it. It's cold, like the autumn wind. I find five smooth stones - one for the giant and four for his brothers. The rocks slip into my shepherd's bag. Fitting, huh? I should be far away, tending those helpless sheep.
My face rises.
The whispers rise too. The mocking, the laughter, the doubts. And they're all true.
I can't do this.
But this battle isn't mine. It's the Lord's.
So I run. I run towards the giant, towards his taunting voice. And as my legs throw me towards death, I declare, "There is a God in Israel!"
My hand slips into the bag. I feel a stone. And I thrust it into the sling.
The sling swings; the stone flies.
I watch my giant fall.
adapted from 1 Samuel 17
We're facing giants.
They're not like Goliath, and yet they're exactly like him. Because no matter who or what the giants are, they still trample us with their lies and threaten to destroy us.
We fight giants of doubts. Of sickness. Of those lies that say we don't have purpose, that we can't do this thing called life.
The lies slither around us, waiting to strike and steal the little breaths of life we have left. But another voice calls, promising to crush the serpent's head (Romans 16:20).
It's the voice of Truth.
So many years ago, my favorite song was "Voice of Truth" (listen here). And, strangely, this morning Jesus reminded me of the way the lyrics fit perfectly with what He is teaching me.
Because "Oh, what I would do to have the kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant with just a sling and a stone. Surrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors shaking in their armor, wishing they'd have had the strength to stand."
I want that faith, that trust. But when the giants come, I shake in my armor and hide.
And yet God gives us the option. He didn't command David to run. He didn't force David to fight the giant. The Bible doesn't even record David praying about the decision.
David saw a giant. He heard the mocking voice. And he slew it in the Lord's name.
When I hear my giants, I pray urgently for a way to escape the battle. I find any excuse and run - the opposite way.
God doesn't always command us to stand and fight. But when we step up in faith, what victories come!
The secret lies in believing the Truth.
...But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God.
- 1 Samuel 30:6
If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
- John 8:31-32
The Truth is that God can move mountains. He can still raging waters. He can slay giants. He can defeat death, raise the dead to life, and destroy armies with a word. He. Can.
And He promises that we can do all things through Him (Philippians 4:13).
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
- 1 John 4:4
So, dear friend, fight. Fight those giants, stare them in the eye, and be prepared to resist the ones coming next. Walk on water with your eyes on Him.
Not because of what we can do. Those doubts are right - we can't do it. We're weak. We're too young, too small.
He isn't.
So rejoice! Face fear! Step outside of your comfort zone! Read 1 Samuel 17 and believe His promises!
It's terrifying. But your God is able.
I'm writing this for myself, because I need to step out of my boat and let Him guide me through the waters. To pick up my stones. I fail (a lot), but I'm praying for the courage to fight a giant. And I'm cheering you on!
Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands.
- 1 Samuel 17:47