"As the Barbarian fleets descend on the coast, the people of Britain are left to defend themselves...
The first independent Christian film of its kind, Burns Family Studios presents Pendragon: Sword of His Father, an epic adventure set in Britain’s Dark Ages.
With riveting action, stunning visuals, and a powerful score, Pendragon’s message of faith, courage, and vision is sure to inspire your family for generations to come."
"The One who gave the vision still calls..."
110 Minutes
By the Burns Family Studios
Directed by Chad Burns
Rated: G
Released 2008
Negative Elements:
This was the first film by the Burns Family Studios, a homeschooled, Christian family. Because of that fact, the acting and some other details of the movie were not professional. I watched this when it first came out, and, as a young viewer, I didn't mind any of those aspects...thus, if you're just wanting a clean, Christian film, this is a wonderful option. I still enjoyed watching it despite the amateur elements. =)
This movie has fighting and war, but none of it was gruesome. Although enemies are fought and killed, there isn't a lot of blood or close-ups that make you squirm. I didn't have a problem with any of this at all. (but take it into consideration for your particular family and preferences)
I am glad to say that this movie didn't have any crude language. References are made of "the gods", but it is spoken by characters already shown as less than admirable.
My Review:
As soon as I watched this movie back in 2008, it became my favorite. I loved the historical details, the tight action, and the beautiful story of fighting for one's country, romance, etc. Now that I'm older, I'm able to see some amateur acting and similar qualities. Nevertheless, our family enjoys this Christian production that focus on themes of remaining courageous, keeping one's word, having faith, and focusing on what God has called you to do. The plot was confusing for me when I was younger, but now that's not a problem. I enjoy the historical accuracy, especially in the costumes and props. (they have such historical clothes... ;) ) For a family's first film, this is amazing, and we greatly enjoy watching it!
Other Notes:
The Burns Family Studios released their second film in 2015 - Beyond the Mask. Ahhhh! It is so good and one of my favorite movies. Think historical fiction, Christian themes of salvation and forgiveness, sweeping action, and a beautiful romance story. =) *happy sigh*
Have you seen Pendragon? Do you have a hard time watching nonprofessional films if they have a good story-line and themes? What is most important for you in a good movie? Comment below!