*all the hugs*
It's been a long time. I've missed the blogging world, I've missed scribbling down new posts with pretty pictures, and I've really missed you.
*releases breath*
But I'm back, here on The Torch Keepers' second birthday (!), and I'm ready to celebrate with you!
For anyone who hasn't read The Torch Keepers, my allegorical fantasy novel, here's a synopsis, and I hope you get to join the fun below and ongoing this week!
The King's blue flame quivers as a new fire arises, and Kadira must hold fast to his torch. It's destiny; she's a torch keeper.
A fiery revolution sweeps across the kingdom of Érkeos, and each person must choose a side. Kadira, a girl set apart to serve the King, finds her city engulfed in the Liberation's emerald flames. Her blue eyes mark her as the enemy, and she flees from death. It stalks her anyway. When she meets Rekém, the Liberation warrior sent to kill her, she rebels against the King's ways. Two armies collide; indecision isn't an option. As hearts and lives hang in the balance, Kadira and Rekém could bring destruction or liberation to the entire kingdom.
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how to enter
// comment below (1 entry)
// leave a book review on Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, or elsewhere (bonus entry for each)
// share about the book (bonus entry)
Let me know you did it below, and winners will be announced next week!
Yes - this is actually in the works!!
Starting in June, God put this book back on my heart, and The Torch Keepers sequel has been underway since! The rough draft is around 50% completed, and I hope to slip it to the first Alpha Readers in a few weeks!
What to expect?
This story picks up three months after TTK ends and continues following your favorite characters! You'll find Kadira and her new family wandering the unknown, western mountains as they flee from the Liberation. Rekém rules Palatiel as his brother plans the Kingdom's downfall. And one minor character reenters the story as he creates a network of hidden cave tunnels and unknowingly is one of the key players in the future of Érkeos.
And the King is at work, even as Érkeos gets darker and darker and evil rules the age.
Ahh, I wish you could hear the entire story right now! But I hope to have this story in your hands as soon as possible, with a possible publication date of Autumn 2022. (eep!)
What's the title? It's one of my absolute favorites. But you'll have to wait a bit longer for that release. Sorry. ;)
And there might be a fantastical website for both books one day too. *shrugs* Who knows?
In the meantime, I'd love your prayers for this project! And if you have dreams or hopes for the characters, share below. I'd be glad to hear where you think this story is going! Which character do you want to see more of?

What's left after the giveaway and excitement for a sequel?
Those will be in later posts. =)
You can expect several fun posts coming up this week, including some of my favorite book snippets, random facts about the book, and the heart behind the story!
If you're on Instagram, you can join me there (@Hosanna.Emily) for a Q&A later this week + more!
God used TTK to change me. Even as I write the sequel and move on past this story, when I go back, I'm reminded so much of His faithfulness. He did things in this process that I can't explain in any way except: Jesus did it.
There's a lot of questions in life. Even in this rough draft I'm writing. =) But we have a faithful Father who holds our hand and calls us His own.
If you've messed up like Kadira or seem stuck in the same routine of life and unable to escape like Rekém or if your story is totally different, it doesn't change Him.
Like a favorite song says,
Not a height, or a depth
Not a lie inside my head
Not a fear or offense
Nothing can take me away
Here I am
In the palm of Your hand
Nothing can take me away
Nothing can take me away
The Father is seeking you. Right now. And He is making an incredibly beautiful Kingdom for us to live with Him forever, and you can't even use words to describe its wholeness!
That's a reason to celebrate today. =)
“Come now, and let us reason together,”
Says the Lord,
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool.
- Isaiah 1:18