Dec 23, 2021

How the Christmas Story Points to a Kingdom


Once upon a time, there was a King.

Sometimes His people humbly gave the King their simple hearts. Those days were glorious ones, with festivals of remembrance and times of peace, the towering House they built Him of gold and precious stones and acacia wood or cedar and cypress.

But often, they forgot or just didn't care. That's when the King prodded them back. He did whatever it took to draw His people back to their loyalty. Enemies attacked, the land was barren. Thus, heroes ensued, heroes like Esther and Nehemiah and Daniel, who stood up for the King's people, who gathered them back to His land, and who offered the King's promises in the thick of exile.

One hero heard a whisper from the King, and it was a promise:

"But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
Though you are little among the thousands of Judah,
Yet out of you shall come forth to Me
The One to be Ruler in Israel,
Whose goings forth are from of old,
From everlasting"

Therefore He shall give them up,
Until the time that she who is in labor has given birth;
Then the remnant of His brethren
Shall return to the children of Israel.
And He shall stand and feed His flock
In the strength of the LORD,
In the majesty of the name of the LORD His God;
And they shall abide,
For now He shall be great
To the ends of the earth;
And this One shall be peace.

- Micah 5:2-5

And when the days grew long and the years felt endless, those people held onto the promises: this time of waiting and hurting won't last forever, for one day a birth would beget a King.

So they waited.

And the King did come. Amidst the prayers of countless, a decree went forth that the world should be registered, and the King answered His promise by using a young couple in the exact city He promised.

A Baby was born. And somehow that helpless Child was the King's Son who humbled Himself to enter the world.

Not as a King, welcomed by servants and armies with the majestic palace He deserved.

He was born in a barn, and His entourage was shepherds who literally lived in the fields.

Christmas morning, an awesome humility and the craziness that the Maker of all allowed Himself to become like us, to live life. He was the literal King of the Jews.

And yet His people, instead of lauding Him, treated Him with contempt. After a life of danger and people twisting His words and trying to take advantage of Him, He went further to give His own life breath into their hands and died a most terrible death. Because if He didn't, how could those sin-torn people ever come in the presence of the holy King without dying in His presence?

This was humility.


And yet the King’s Son was more powerful than death, and He defeated it the first time, promising that the enemy of death would one day be destroyed forever. Then He left for a time.

The King was gone, but His Helper remained in the land.

But remember the hero's promise? It wasn't complete. Because the King's people were still scattered abroad, and where was peace and this strength that was promised?

Another birth was needed. And the entire world felt it. It groaned and labored with birth pangs. Again, The King's people had to wait, to be loyal, until the Day arrived wherein the promise would be fulfilled.

Seasons passed. The Helper was faithful, and the King's message was spread across the world to foreign nations; children were adopted into His family, waiting.

And they still are.

But one day, the promise will be fulfilled.

This labor will be completed, and the King's Son will return a second time, with majesty and power. Evil will be judged, peace spread across the world that will be refined and made new.

Instead of shepherds, the armies in heaven will follow Jesus on white horses when He returns. He will come as King, as Ruler, and His government and peace shall know no end.

So they wait. We wait. And one day soon, the King will come and judge and make war. Then all will be new, and we will be with Him forever.

And that's the beauty of Christmas.

Christmas was Jesus' first coming, the humble birth of a God who deserved to come in power. What a day to celebrate and rejoice over and spread His good, wonderful news!

And yet, another Day is coming. It's a fearful, glorious Day of hope and judgement and newness. So we must live waiting in loyalty to our Father in Heaven that we may be counted worthy when He returns.

That's what I pray for this Christmas, how I ask my Father to work in my heart and in yours. (and it’s what I fangirl over too, get excited about!)

Merry Christmas to you, dear Friend! I hope it’s full of traditions and fun and joy and wonder! And may it be a day of celebrating the humility of Jesus and the glory to come! 


For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Price of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His Kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgement and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

- Isaiah 9:6-7


Dec 1, 2021

Author Interview || by Cherith Brook

Hello Friend!


Happy beginning of December! It's a quiet, ashy-grey day here as I rest before going to work, plugging those Christmas lights in, and going full speed ahead as I sign up students, check out customers, clean, do computer work, and all those fun things that come with working at a music store.

I'm already excited. *grin*

But before all that, I have a little treat for you!

My friend Cherith Brook hosted an author interview for me on her blog!

She asked great questions. If you ever wanted to know what my favorite books are, what my least favorite parts of being an author is, or what a typical writing session looks like, here you go!

And make sure to enjoy her other posts and get to know Cherith! She's a beautiful lady and sister in Christ I've been blessed to talk with, and I think you'll enjoy her bookish posts. *wink*

Click the image below to visit Cherith's blog and watch the interview!

Maybe this December is going to be hard for you. Or maybe you're already celebrating!

But may this beginning to December be blessed, my Friend. May it be full of Jesus' shalom. Because He is so, so good and worthy of praise! And that Hope you can have in Jesus - it's absolutely amazing.

(psst - want a challenge for December? Click Here to join me and some family + friends in memorizing Luke 2 this month!)

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

- John 8:12


Nov 24, 2021

Dear beautiful Virginia || poems and pictures


//  dear beautiful Virginia,
I explored your land and flora weeks ago
and sometimes, I miss it:
the mountains, the water, the way the two merge in fog,
sunrises dancing on rippled waves
before boats wake to slice the surface.
so quiet, those mornings;
seconds before siblings rouse the house in noisy tiptoes.
oh yes, I miss that


dear beautiful Virginia,
in you are glimpses of worship -
worship in every wave and higher:
in those mountain tops, Appalachian Trail
where the trees merge in wide views
to climbing green peeks.
explorers trek those hilly paths
and we gave up after bare miles
but in the depths, unknown world, where birds praise
worship is there.

dear beautiful Virginia,
how busy we get
as you rest ever since the world was spoken to life.
us running, walking, living, driving, going;
my time in you had those too -
like drives through your twisty roads, stomach flipping -
times I forgot to worship.
and that's one reason I praise:
because we're offered mercy again
and again.

like waves hitting a shore forever
or deer on golfing green every time I look:
my Father never gives up.


dear beautiful Virginia,
we crept from your lakes and mountains to your cityside
and there were glimpses of worship there too.
stories hid in old, brick buildings
and railroads transformed into parks -
and there were beautiful people:
a homeless man who took our picture,
two strangers who met my gaze for a second,
and so many others as we sat to eat.
I imagined my Father's Kingdom,
that Marriage Supper.
I see glimpses of it, even here
and wonder if it's worship.

dear beautiful Virginia,
nearby, one of my favorite aspects: your history
those stories, worship too.
in Appomattox where a war was ended
papers signed, release forms printed.
and I stood where two armies once aligned,
where the last man died, others met face to face
and one side put down their weapons, brave
the others accepted them as brothers,
cheered them on.

I wonder if my Father smiled,
if He rejoiced in the humility, the forgiveness, the chivalry
and cried with them too. 

dear beautiful Virginia,
as the sun sets here in my home state again
I remember, and I do miss you
but there's no place like home.
not just here
in this room I call mine -
but Home.
where I can be with Jesus.

He was with me when I visited you:
in lovely overlooks and setting sun
but also in fears

I praised in those, and I still do.
I praise for Home.
His Kingdom is coming
and He will make all things new.
so farewell Virginia,
I'm going Home. //

happy Thanksgiving,
dear friend!


I wanna be next to You
I wanna be one with Your spirit, Jesus
Teach me to abide in You
To hear Your voice all around me
Your voice all around me
- Abide by Kingdom Culture Worship

But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.

- John 4:23


Sep 21, 2021

Music Album Release || Man in White


Hello Friend,

Happy last day of summer! *hugs*

I'm popping on here today to share a new favorite music album that was just released! *claps*

If you're wanting music to start the fall focused on Jesus, on looking forward to our future Hope, on the awesomeness of our God, and the Kingdom He is creating, this is for you.

((and epic instruments and vocals and all the feels too))

I've been so enjoying the songs by Faith Warrior Films! They encourage me to dream - to look forward to Jesus' return and be found faithful as we wait, longing.

I hope it brightens your start to fall and reminds you of the Hope we live for!

Scroll down for beautiful lyrics, then click the album cover to listen for yourself!

Majestic in all Your ways,
The brightness of Your own expression
Coming in the clouds (with glory and power)
But right now You are sitting on Your throne (beside your Father)
Waiting for Your time
Yeah you are waiting for Your time

In this age of darkness, the light that we can see
Is Your coming and Your Kingdom, we wait for patiently
When every sinful action and every evil scheme
Is shattered and broken before the King of kings

And oh, we long for You, long for You

Man in white, You are royalty, royalty
Man in white, I give my loyalty, loyalty
Man in white, You are coming soon, coming soon
Man in white, I live my life for you, life for you

// Your turn! What songs have been pointing you to Jesus? And Happy Fall! How are you celebrating? How are you hoping to spend this new season for the coming Kingdom?

Let's chat below!

...they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy. He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.

- Revelations 3:4-5



Sep 11, 2021

The Torch Keepers || the Home


((giveaway winners announced below!))

"My child." He blinked several times, and his eyes glistened. "I have come to take you home."

"Home?" My shoulders fell, and I felt the heat of the scar that stained my skin. If only I could hide it, could keep him from seeing the twisted mark.

He pushed back the hair hanging around my face. "Come, child. I have searched the kingdom these years and found you. Come home with me..." 

My lips quivered. "I don't want to go back..."

Father didn't speak. His fingers squeezed my hand tighter. 

I spat out the words. "I have purpose here. I have friends. I won't live under the King's overruling ways that limit me to be nice and good like everyone else. Sometimes we're not perfect!"

"My child, I never asked you to be."

I jerked away from him. Inhaling, I caught myself from stumbling backwards, forced my face to hold together.

"I don't ask you to be perfect." The light reflecting on his face burned mine as his eyes searched deep. His voice lowered to a whisper like a breeze through the mountain trees--the trees I missed. "I ask you to come home."

// chapter 23


The Bible is all about Home, and I love that! It begins in a garden home, and when that reality is ruined by human mistakes, He promises a forever Home to His people, Israel. (Gen. 12)

They enter their land, leave, enter, leave. Sometimes, when they're in that chosen land, there are invaders that dictate their lives. Other times, they're dragged away into foreign lands, their nation destroyed. And it's because of their unfaithfulness, their willful hearts.

Yet God's promise remains.


A physical place where we can be free. Where we can curl up with a blanket and sit in quiet with people we love. Where we can be safe and laugh free and dance or sing sometimes too.

But the best: Home is where our Father is.

The One who loves us forever. Who knows all of us. Who can't wait to hold us and be near us and live with us.

That's home.

I invite you to imagine. Picture your dream house.

Mine would a cabin in a forest glen with wildflowers all around and a creek that you can hear every night as you go to sleep. There'd be a porch with a swing to watch the sky and clouds and fireflies. And inside, I imagine a fireplace and cozy rug.

But I write fantasy, so I have other dreams too. Maybe I could have a huge oak growing in my house, the trunk part of my wall, and there'd be a stream inside too and bunnies that could slip in and out of the house, cuddle at my feet. We could sleep in hammocks and climb trees and ride horses and write stories and have parties and be with Jesus.

The New Earth, that Home Jesus is making for us, it's so much grander than even my dreams. But hey, I'll keep dreaming! Keep imagining. Keep living for that Kingdom and the Father who invites me there.

Not because I'm more faithful or less willful than Israel. My heart mirrors their story. I need a Helper.

And yet, there's this Savior who arose out of Israel to save His people, and He adopts us into that family.

So I embrace what He has done. And I dream of Home, when Israel is restored on that New Earth, and we can be with God, loved.

That's why the story excerpt is one of my favorites! And I challenge you, like Kadira, come home.

Come to the Father's heart. Be with Him. Give yourself to Him.

And let Him take you Home.

Did you know Kadira's name wasn't originally going to be... Kadira?

Yup. In the first short story, she was named Elkira. (ahh, isn't it beautiful?!)

Then readers told me how they remembered her name. "It sounds like Erika!" One said.

Problem: that was not the feel I was going for in a fantastical world of Torch Keepers and flame-wings and armies clashing, loyalties undecided. Erika? Not exactly. Much too modern.

So Kadira was renamed, and I've loved her name ever since. And if you read her story, you'll find out she has another name-change in the text. But that's for you to discover. *wink*

And I'm especially excited if you were one of the winners of the giveaway!

I was thrilled to have a giveaway on here and on my Instagram last week! And now for the winners!

first place:


                        // Rebekah A 


second, third, and forth place:

                        // Anita S 

                        // Caroline R

                        // Grace L

Horray!! If you were selected, I'll be contacting you soon about how to claim your prize. Thanks to everyone who celebrated The Torch Keepers' second birthday celebration! May we both live for our Home and the Father who draws us near. *hugs*

“Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God."

- Revelation 21:3


Sep 8, 2021

The Torch Keepers || the Father


"I--." That burning feeling came into my neck. I swallowed, and tears mixed with the rain. "I miss my daddy."

He rose and pressed me close. "I know. The King gave you a daddy for an important reason." Our gazes joined. "But now he's gone." Father let my feet touch the ground, and he knelt, taking my palm in his. Water trailed down his cheeks into his beard as he kissed the back of my hand. "My child, will you let me take his place?"

I inhaled quickly.

"And until the day when the King brings you and your daddy together again, can I hold you when you cry? Can I dance with you and know your secrets and share my home with you? My child," he said, "I love you."

I cried and let him hug me again. Father took me inside where we curled cross-legged before the fire and drank something warm that made steam in the air. And there, hiding on his lap with his finger caressing my hair, I nodded.


// chapter 9


Something I love about God is that He is a Father.

This almighty God, the Creator, the Sustainer, the One who makes the morning rise every morning without fail for thousands of years, who set the stars in their spinning formations like an unending top, who is the ultimate Judge of the world - somehow, I've been adopted into His family, and He calls me child.


And I'm just like Kadira.

I'm a normal person.

If you got to know me, you'd find out my quirks and weaknesses. I don't like being in big spaces. I stumble over my words, my hair randomly foofs, I'm so selfish inside, and sometimes, life just makes me scared. And I've messed up a lot.

I feel like Kadira: unworthy, broken, and I make a lot of mistakes.

Then, there's this Father. And He changes everything.

Not only does He create a home for us. He commands our hearts to keep beating right now, our blood to keep flowing. He writes life stories, sees the people we were created to be. He gives dreams and talents and excitements.

This Father delights in us. He wants to know us. And when we messed everything up with our own mistakes that separated us from Him, He made a way for us to be reunited with Himself because He made us to be with Him.

That's a life worth living.

And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

- John 17:3

He is good and does good.

That's my prayer for The Torch Keepers and the character of Father. May they remind you of the love - in the justness and truth and mercy - of our Father. May it encourage you to sit and get to know Him. To be with Him.

I've always loved the character of Father in the novel. Writing his story was hard, unique, yet beautiful, because it made me ask, what is the Father's heart? What would He do in this situation?

The fictional Father blessed me because it helped me know my Heavenly Father's heart a little deeper.

And I challenge you to be still and get to know your Father. To sing or walk or read or talk with Him and just let your heart be open and vulnerable. Let Him change you, convict you. Curl up, like Kadira, on your Father's lap, drink something warm and steamy and autumn-ish, and give Him permission to know you in your strengths and talents and humanness and quirks and weaknesses.

You have a Father.

And He invites you to be with Him.

Dearest Father
Closest Friend
Most beautiful

One thing I desire
Only this I seek
Just to dwell, dwell, dwell
Here forever

- Most Beautiful / So In Love 


// Almost every character in The Torch Keepers has a theme song that represents their character! But after this novel was completed, I realized the book itself has a theme song too.

Can you guess it? If you get it right, you definitely get an award for the most astute reader. *wink* Well, actually, it's not too hard of a guess. 

Hint: think themes of Fatherhood

What's your guess? Okay, okay. Here's the song:

The Torch Keepers' theme song //

(psst) I hope you've been encouraged by these bookish-themed posts! If you want to win your own copy of The Torch Keepers, click here to enter a giveaway! It's ending soon!

May this mid-week be blessed and may His face shine upon you; what joy!

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.

- Matthew 6:9


Sep 3, 2021

The Torch Keepers || the Presence


Hello Friend, and happy beginning of the weekend! *hugs*

I'm here with a continuation of the celebration of The Torch Keepers turning two years old! I hope you enjoy the fun post with an excerpt from the novel, a fun fact, and more.

And you can still enter the giveaway here!

Let's read part of Rekém's story. =)


My knees buried in the ground as I knelt before the flaming tower that separated me from the paradise the King had created. This fire that banished my ancestors from the Oasis when they made a simple mistake.

But I knelt mostly because of the Presence that fell upon me like heavy dew. There was something deeper, a treasure I could feel with the air that brushed the wall of fire. It was a faint scent on the wind, like when I used to run home from the Sea to smell my papa cooking sweet pastries over the fire, just for me. But now, my mouth didn't water. My whole body did. It tightened, squeezed, burned.

Here was something I had searched for so long. In the stillness of this quiet place, there was peace. Harmony.

Peace that ruffled the leaves and needles of the trees. Peace that made the flowers grow. Peace that gave the riverheads their coolness, the sky its intense yet gentle blue color, and my body a strange yet calming quietness.


Maybe that was what was wrong. Living in Érkeos, we twisted what was beautiful in the Oasis and turned it into an ugly mess. Our lives were broken, shattered. But we only pressed forward for more, worked for more, when what we really needed was right here: to be still and know. To know, to find this lost harmony.

But how did one find what we lost?


// chapter 28

Do you ever feel like that?

I do.

Sometimes, I thirst so much. It's like I know there's something more in life, and I have that urge, that desire, my whole body watering for a drop of that Presence.

And we work so hard for it. We do so many things. We accomplish. We strive. But it's not enough.

I think of my little sister this morning. She beams at me, smoothing her shirt, and points out how she is wearing my favorite outfit of hers to make me happy. I smile, tell her how pretty she is. She dances away.

But the secret: that little act didn't make me love her more. It made me smile, for sure! But I already love my sister fully, and she doesn't have to do anything to earn it. She's stuck with my affection. ;)

Like a favorite verse says,

The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying:
“Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you."

- Jeremiah 31:3 


Isn't that beautiful?! It's a love not dependent on time, on us, but it just keeps on going forever. Right in this moment, you are being loved by your Father.

So I sit, read Rekém's story again. And that urge is in me, that desire to know that Presence.

I think it's the longing to walk and talk with our Father like we used to do in Eden.

Before sin came, we had harmony with Him. We could be with Him, completely open, vulnerable, and feel no shame. But the Fall happened. And now we lost that Harmony.

But He re-invites us into it. Our Father in Heaven desires us to curl up in His presence like children, love Him. To know and be knowing Him. To share our secrets, our struggles, our joys freely.

He challenges me:

be still and know. come be with Me. bare yourself, empty yourself, and let Me turn this body into the person I've created you to be. I am making a New Heaven and a New Earth, and I will make you a New Creation who can dwell there with Me.
let go. just worship. know Me.

It's the greatest invitation, the greatest honor: to know Him. And when I sit in His presence, worship, love, even when it's hard and I'm scared and I don't know what tomorrow holds and I feel ugly or unworthy inside, His Presence fills part of me that has somehow been thirsting for so long.

If you're like Rekém, know there is an answer. That longing can be filled. The answer isn't doing more or being more. It's relationship.

Truth: you are loved.

// Rekém's name is the most mis-pronounced name in the entire novel. (why do readers do this to me?!) *covers face*

His name is pronounced: Ra-keem.

Not Re-kem.

It means "torn between." And as you explore his story in The Torch Keepers, you'll see his indecision. His turmoil. He has to choose his side, just like you and I have to. Sometimes, it's the hardest thing we'll ever do.

(But if you've been pronouncing Rekém right, I think you deserve brownie points and a really big hug.) *wink* //

I hope you enjoyed this peek into the story, Friend.

May this weekend be full of praise, and may we walk humbly with our God. ♥

Ho! Everyone who thirsts,
Come to the waters;
...Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,
And let your soul delight itself in abundance.
Incline your ear, and come to Me.
Hear, and your soul shall live.


- Isaiah 55:1-3



Sep 1, 2021

Book Birthday || The Torch Keepers is Two!



*all the hugs*

It's been a long time. I've missed the blogging world, I've missed scribbling down new posts with pretty pictures, and I've really missed you.

*releases breath*

But I'm back, here on The Torch Keepers' second birthday (!), and I'm ready to celebrate with you!

For anyone who hasn't read The Torch Keepers, my allegorical fantasy novel, here's a synopsis, and I hope you get to join the fun below and ongoing this week!


The King's blue flame quivers as a new fire arises, and Kadira must hold fast to his torch. It's destiny; she's a torch keeper.

A fiery revolution sweeps across the kingdom of Érkeos, and each person must choose a side. Kadira, a girl set apart to serve the King, finds her city engulfed in the Liberation's emerald flames. Her blue eyes mark her as the enemy, and she flees from death. It stalks her anyway. When she meets Rekém, the Liberation warrior sent to kill her, she rebels against the King's ways. Two armies collide; indecision isn't an option. As hearts and lives hang in the balance, Kadira and Rekém could bring destruction or liberation to the entire kingdom.

 // Amazon

// Goodreads

// Barnes and Noble

         how to enter

// comment below (1 entry) 
// leave a book review on Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, or elsewhere (bonus entry for each)
// share about the book (bonus entry)

Let me know you did it below, and winners will be announced next week!

Yes - this is actually in the works!!

Starting in June, God put this book back on my heart, and The Torch Keepers sequel has been underway since! The rough draft is around 50% completed, and I hope to slip it to the first Alpha Readers in a few weeks!

What to expect?

This story picks up three months after TTK ends and continues following your favorite characters! You'll find Kadira and her new family wandering the unknown, western mountains as they flee from the Liberation. Rekém rules Palatiel as his brother plans the Kingdom's downfall. And one minor character reenters the story as he creates a network of hidden cave tunnels and unknowingly is one of the key players in the future of Érkeos.

And the King is at work, even as Érkeos gets darker and darker and evil rules the age.

Ahh, I wish you could hear the entire story right now! But I hope to have this story in your hands as soon as possible, with a possible publication date of Autumn 2022. (eep!)

What's the title? It's one of my absolute favorites. But you'll have to wait a bit longer for that release. Sorry. ;)

And there might be a fantastical website for both books one day too. *shrugs* Who knows?

In the meantime, I'd love your prayers for this project! And if you have dreams or hopes for the characters, share below. I'd be glad to hear where you think this story is going! Which character do you want to see more of?

What's left after the giveaway and excitement for a sequel?

Those will be in later posts. =)

You can expect several fun posts coming up this week, including some of my favorite book snippets, random facts about the book, and the heart behind the story!

If you're on Instagram, you can join me there (@Hosanna.Emily) for a Q&A later this week + more!

God used TTK to change me. Even as I write the sequel and move on past this story, when I go back, I'm reminded so much of His faithfulness. He did things in this process that I can't explain in any way except: Jesus did it.

There's a lot of questions in life. Even in this rough draft I'm writing. =) But we have a faithful Father who holds our hand and calls us His own.

If you've messed up like Kadira or seem stuck in the same routine of life and unable to escape like Rekém or if your story is totally different, it doesn't change Him.

Like a favorite song says,

Not a height, or a depth
Not a lie inside my head
Not a fear or offense
Nothing can take me away

Here I am
In the palm of Your hand
Nothing can take me away
Nothing can take me away


The Father is seeking you. Right now. And He is making an incredibly beautiful Kingdom for us to live with Him forever, and you can't even use words to describe its wholeness!

That's a reason to celebrate today. =)

“Come now, and let us reason together,”
Says the Lord,
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool.

- Isaiah 1:18


May 29, 2021

Dear Creator || Creating for the Future Kingdom

This post is for the creator:

For the writer with words tingling in her fingers, waiting to be let free. For the musician as songs leap into his head, and he can't wait to release them. For the filmmaker, artist, actor, designer.

But it's for every. single. person. creating beauty:

For the moms cooking one more meal, changing one more diaper. For the gardener sinking his hands into fertile soil. For the one who cleans, who does computer work, who finishes the semester's last assignment, who talks with a stranger.

You're a creator too.

I unroll a new book project.

It's daunting. (Slightly) terrifying. I don't know where to start, where to end, what comes in the middle. There's twisting caverns, mountain peeks told to contain never-before-seen creatures, children who play under the shadows of danger. And I ready my fingers to write it all.

So I sit. Inhale deep. And prepare to write that "once upon a time", trusting Jesus for the rest.

But creating doesn't only start there. It happened yesterday as I tuned a guitar, prepared it for music. And it happened today as I spoke a prayer on the road, rain-soaked green on all sides around me. Even now, scribbling these words and praying God blesses them with purpose.

And I believe every person is a creator.

You were made to create beauty. To take something in this world and make it better, make something new, make something of purpose. You're longing for Eden, that beauty again.

Because there is beauty, reminders of the time man walked and talked with God, there's that beauty still in this world. Like the moment your story comes together and you want to hug anyone in sight. Or when your toddler throws her arms around you with that huge smile. Or when a plant peeks through soil for the first time.

Beauty like Eden, but there's another word too:


Hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm to the end.

- Hebrews 3:6

If you were called to create something, do it. Be confident in what God has called you to do. He doesn't need you, your talent, your abilities, but He delights to use you and know you and call you His own!

Rejoice through your pen sweeping on paper. Through the way trees shiver in rainstorms. Through cooking another meal, folding laundry, laying in the darkness as you try to sleep.


Let everything you do point to that hope, the hope of a forever with Jesus. Of a future Kingdom where all will be made new. Of wholeness, where sickness is gone, anxiety destroyed, and Jesus is King.

God will return to earth to make all things new: that's our Hope!

We create to make something extravagant - like what we lost in Eden. But hope isn't looking back at the beauty lost but looking forward to the beauty coming in the New Earth; that's why we create.

This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast...

- Hebrews 6:19 


And the God of that hope is a Creator God. He designed that hope: the way the oceans tinge with foamy waves. He directs birds to sing in melodic order as the world awakens. And you're made in His image! How could you help but copy Him, grow restless with that urge to awaken emotion and beauty and order in this world around you?

Lift your head, friend. Pause and see the color in the clouds. Worship as the birds sing and trees sway. Smell the air and let it be part of a praise that reflects in your everyday life.

And create.

Let Him come back to make this earth new and find you faithfully waiting, faithfully creating. Your words have purpose! Everything you do for Him can change the world!

Create for the Kingdom Hope.

And let's share below! What's your current WIP? What's a beauty you love to create?

I'll slip away to create right here in my home, rainstorm ready to hit yet with a tinge of pale peach on the horizon, and I smell popcorn and dream of our forever hope with Jesus.

And may we join one of my favorite characters from The Torch Keepers as we create something lovely and let every part of life be transformed into worship!

Keys stained different shades of gold and brown all lined up at the front of the instrument. Behind them, I could see through the glass frame and into the deeper part of the instrument where dark strings stretched out in all different sizes. When the keys were pushed, the strings in the back wiggled like worms! Am-Othniel leaned his ear near the last string, played it several times, and then stepped back with a grin. I giggled.

He rubbed his hand across the keys. "This is my favorite instrument, the laude-chorda. It's small, but when I play it the music will sing louder than every other sound. It's like standing by a door when the wind blows up a fierce sandstorm. It's all you can hear--music."
//excerpt from The Torch Keepers


For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise:

"For yet a little while,

And He who is coming will come."

Hebrews 10:36-37
