I just posted yesterday, but today's the last day of August...thus, here's my farewell post!
August...this was one of those months that you just can't sum up in a sentence. So many different things happened, started, and ended. Sorry, but you just have to keep reading. ;)
Adventures in Life:
- I got to visit with the wonderful Hannah and her family for a short afternoon! It was delightful, like always. =)
- My summer break ended, and I started up with three online college classes (conversational Spanish, intro to short story, and music appreciation) as well as my usual piano and American Sign Language practices. Life's busy, but it's getting a bit more organized. =)
- Family time!!!! Woot!!! =)
- I finished a HUGE Ebay selling project that I've been working on for months! (I had boxes of books to sell for a friend) Phew.
- My family participated in the county fair and all won first place. That's small-town life for you! No one else enters! ;) Lol!
- The youngest ones in my family got chicken pox this month, and now we are fully immune for the rest of our lives. Yay!
- My second oldest brother started college. *sob* =(
- I got some new pets for a little while. =) Full story: As I got ready to start mowing our lawn, I looked down and saw some rodents wiggling down in the grass. Pausing to see what they were, I found a mother shrew with her little babies. As I ran inside to grab my siblings and show them, the mother left. This left me with three baby shrews that would have been quickly consumed by our boarder collie. Of course, that wasn't an option (try telling your little siblings that you fed baby "mice" to the dog!) ...so I ended up keeping the baby critters and feeding them drops of cream every three/four hours. I know! That was a lot of work. None of our friends wanted to take them off our hands, though we tried. =) In the end, we kept them for 5 lovely days. (This is where I give a lovely bow with a "The End" to keep the story from becoming sad) I know you want pictures. =) Aren't they the tiniest, most adorable shrews you ever saw? Or maybe the only ones you ever saw? ;)
Books I Read: 6
- A.D. 30 by Ted Dekker
- The Quest for Thunder Mountain by Ed Dunlop
- Samara's Peril by Jaye L. Knight
- Heart of Courage by Lois Walfrid Johnson
- The Betrayer's Fortune by Dave & Neta Jackson
- Will's World by Margery Mathis Henderson
My Favorite:
Hmm...my favorite was probably Heart of Courage. A.D. 30 and Samara's Peril would be close seconds, but they both had adult content...which definitely made me not enjoy them as much as I could have. But Heart of Courage is a fantastic addition to the Viking Quest series, which is now a family favorite. =)
My Least Favorite:
I read Will's World to fill a space for a reading contest. It's really short and not very interesting. But it fit in the category. =) Lol!
My New Creations:
I finished the second rough draft of Emblem of Hope!!!!!!!!!!! This made me SO happy. God definitely had a hand in this creation. I can't even imagine how I first sat down and decided to start a full length novel?! But I did and thanks to God I completed it! Now to editing...which is sweetened by the fact that I have a lovely editing partner to help me. ;)
Want some stats on my novel????
Pages (full length printer paper): 207
Word Count: 78,457
(Yes, it did take a while. Phew)
I finished the second rough draft of Emblem of Hope!!!!!!!!!!! This made me SO happy. God definitely had a hand in this creation. I can't even imagine how I first sat down and decided to start a full length novel?! But I did and thanks to God I completed it! Now to editing...which is sweetened by the fact that I have a lovely editing partner to help me. ;)
Want some stats on my novel????
Pages (full length printer paper): 207
Word Count: 78,457
(Yes, it did take a while. Phew)
Blog Friends:
Some inspirational posts that you should check out...
From the blog Apples of Gold by Jessica
From the blog Bonnie's Blessings by guest speaker Megan
From the blog Penprints by Rosalie Valentine
Blog Posts:
Here are the archives! =)

I don't know where to put this...so I put it right here. =) I wanted to share this song by Hawk Nelson that I listened to for the first time this month. It is So. Good. Everyone should be reminded of the importance of our words!
Did you have any adventures in August? What's a favorite book you read this last month? Have you listened to Hawk Nelson before? Comment Below!