Hello dear reader,
It's release day for Fingerprints in Frost!!
Ah, I am so excited for what God has done to get the book to this day and for how He will use the beautiful stories to delight and encourage readers!
I got to be one of ten contributing authors to this homey, wintery collection of short stories, and somehow, reading the tales with varying genres, characters, and styles, it was so clear: God hand-picked these stories. Their truth-theme is the exact same.
So to celebrate, here's a peek into the heart behind the stories! ;)
Fingerprints in Frost is a Christian short story collection featuring nine cozy stories of seeking God in the messy joys of homemaking and family. This anthology contains touching stories from contemporary and historical fiction authors with a mix of different subgenres—all written to the glory of God!
Back in the summer, I sat with a fellow writer-sister, and, with wide open hands, we talked about writing a story together...
And God gave us one, but it was on heavy subjects of church division and family upheaval which we hesitated to write. How did one gracefully write about the real, raw brokenness of life and God's hand in it?
Six months later, I opened the PDF to read our first completed book copy of all nine stories, and the tales spilled out as if every one whispered the same promise:
God is our refuge and strength,A very present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1
I am so humbled.
I'm humbled that God enters our messy, broken, confused life and invites us into His family--daughtership. I'm humbled He doesn't only see us in our various plights, but He also provides, loves, and is present with us!
He is our refuge, strength, and present help.
Fingerprints in Frost is by authors from four countries, and the stories span from one about life for Norwegian immigrants to America, a Deaf family celebrating Christmas, a tale set with castles, dukes, and heirloom secrets, among many others, but it declares that God is near in time of trouble:
in loneliness and weakness... God is a very present help.
in marriage issues... God is a very present help.
in struggling with lack of finances... God is a very present help.
in family and church upheaval... God is a very present help.
in infertility... God is a very present help.
in unexpected disasters and questions... God is a very present help.
in overwhelm during parenting... God is a very present help.
in haunting heaviness of loss... God is a very present help.
in failing health... God is a very present help.
That's why I'm so excited for Fingerprints in Frost!
Because the Easter season approaching isn't just a two-millennia-old tale that came and went; Jesus' cross transforms our today, and His return defines our forever.
For the disciple of Jesus, we get to live with His Spirit right in this moment... regardless of the messiness. That's worth being excited over. ;)
And it's crazy that He worked this theme through authors from multiple continents, drawing us and our stories together. ♥
I hope this book makes you laugh and cry, sit back with a smile and let your heart heal, and ultimately, seek Jesus with your everything.
Available on Amazon or the Wild Blue Wonder Press website!
And meet the lovely authors here!
Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!
The Lord of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah