Feb 4, 2020

The Samaritan Woman's Story || Discovering Living Water


The Samaritan Woman's Story

I feel like I’m standing in a sun shower, but without rain. Or dancing in a snowstorm, but the flakes are all in my imagination, the beautiful, white softness. I feel them, tingling down my arms. My heart bursts. I want to dance. I can’t help it. 

My hands are clasped tight, pressed against my face, and I’m trying to breathe. If it was frigid, I would see my own breath. Today I only see His. 

I see the way His chest rises and falls, every beat of His heart true. It seems to speak my name somehow. 

I see His eyes, that deep brown that penetrates my sin, my past, my blood. They crinkle in the corners, smile lines, and still accept me. 

I see Him, here, before me, and somehow He chose me and loves me even after telling me everything I ever did. The ugliness I try to hide. It’s here, taunting, dancing in my face, and I can’t hide it. But for the first time, I don’t have to. 

He says I can change. He says things aren’t like they’ve always been. Where two people collided, He brings peace. Where the earth runs dry, He brings water. Living water. 

That’s why I feel snowflakes on this mountain, raindrops when there are none. It’s like He took my emptiness and filled it with part of Himself. And I’m overflowing. 

So I’ll cry or dance or scream, and it’s okay. I’ll tell the world; they can’t stop me. No one can. I’m breathing different, living different. 

I met the Messiah. This changes everything. There’s no more longing, no more seeking. Because I’m found. I’m a new woman. 

I will worship forever, in spirit and truth; I will be found kneeling before a God who knows me, yet loves me. Who told me everything I ever did but chose me anyway. 

Maybe that’s worship. I never really understood how or when or where, but the Messiah is here. Now I can’t help it. 

My past is gone. And I’ll dance in the snowflakes to praise Him.

But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.

- John 4:23


If you want to study more of the Samaritan Woman's life, here's a worksheet just for you!  ♥
