Jul 12, 2016

"The Old River Road" Blog Tour!

I am VERY excited to participate in my first blog tour!!!!  Not only because it was so much fun, but also because this is an amazing book!  I was given the privilege to participate in Ivy Rose's blog tour for her novel, The Old River Road.  I hope you enjoy reading my review and my interview(!) before going and buying a copy of the book for yourself, as well as entering in the giveaway!!  (and subscribing to her blog, of course)  I will warn you that this is a longer post than normal. =)

 Meet Ivy Rose and her debut novel, The Old River Road. This book is the first in a series of a yet-to-be-determined number of books based on the lives of the author’s ancestors. Written in a style similar to that of Janette Oke and Laura Ingalls Wilder, this is a story you won’t want to miss.


When seventeen-year-old Clara Boutwell married her dashing coworker, William McDonald, she was convinced her life was near perfect. The journey before them as newlyweds in the great city of Chicago was promising and exciting. But a frightening disease soon takes William in its grip, forcing them to the clean air of the western frontier in a desperate attempt to save his life. But pioneering doesn’t prove to be easy, with miles between neighbors instead of fences. On the eastern Washington prairies, the McDonalds face hardships and trials in a new world where everything is tested, from physical endurance to emotional strength—down to their relationship and faith in the Lord.

This novel tells the incredible true story of Clara and William, the great-great grandparents of the author, in a sweet narrative full of laughter, tears, and the struggles of an early pioneering family. Prepare yourself to share in their experience as you read this account of a pioneer family in Washington state, and see their lasting legacy that has endured into the fifth generation.

Available now in paperback and ebook on Amazon!
Add on Goodreads!

My Interview:

Hello Ivy!  I am SO glad to have you on my blog today!!!  Now for some questions... ;) What is one unusual writing habit that you have?

Probably my whole “Binge Writing” method. A lot of people think it is really weird. :)

Your novel is based on a true story, correct?! Can you tell us a little about how you got this idea and turned it into a book?

That’s correct! It started eight years ago, when I stumbled across Clara’s memoirs in a box of old documents. I remember thinking, “Wow, this is so cool! Someone should write a book about this!” It was only by my mom’s nagging gentle encouragement that I even gave it a try in the first place. It took me eight years to work up the courage, though. :)

How have you been able to show the glory of God through your writing/blogging, and how has it blessed your personal life?

Wow, that’s a big question. :) I think the main way I’ve tried to show God’s glory through writing is by making my books family friendly. It’s blessed my personal life mostly through readers saying how much they appreciated the fact that my book was clean, and that they can’t wait to share it with younger siblings/children.

What is your biggest dream for your writing?

That it will lead someone to Christ.

Can you give one piece of advice to writers who want to create historical fiction pieces? (like me!) What has helped the most in your research adventure?

Talk to people! Find the experts on whatever subject you are researching and TALK TO THEM.  They can tell you far more in a much clearer way than you could ever accomplish reading a bunch of books. 

My Review:
Perhaps it is bad to start out a book with high expectations. While sitting down to read this book, I had very high hopes. Just look at the lovely cover!! Needless to say, The Old River Road did not disappoint me!!

Ivy Rose's writing style is very similar to my favorite author's  Janette Oke. I enjoyed how Ivy portrayed beautiful characters with their own distinct personality. Her romance was simple, yet perfect. I loved how she wrote the romance between Clare and William, making it clean for readers and glorifying to God. It is a touching story of two people falling in love and courting in a God-honoring way, which is so rare in today's world.

This is such a lovely historic-fiction book! What made it all the more special was that it's based off of a true story of one of the author's relatives. I loved reading it and am looking expectantly to other pieces from this budding authoress.

About the Author:

Ivy Rose is an 18 year old history lover and literary enthusiast. Aside from writing, she enjoys being outdoors, chocolate, travelling, reading, and ATVing (preferably if there is mud involved). She resides with her family of 9 on the banks of the Long Lake in eastern Washington.

You can connect with Ivy via her blog, Goodreads, and Pinterest.


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Blog Tour Schedule:

Check out these other wonderful participants in the blog tour! =)

Friday, July 8th (release day!)

Emily — Review, Spotlight
Jesseca Wheaton — Review, Interview

Saturday, July 9th

Olivia K. Fisher — Interview, Spotlight
Faith Blum — Review, Interview, Spotlight
Hannah — Review, Interview

Monday, July 11th

Faith Potts – Review
Rebecca Morgan — Review, Interview

Tuesday, July 12th

Abigayle Ellison — Review, Spotlight
Kenzi Knapp – Review, Interview
Hosanna Emily — Review, Interview

Wednesday, July 13th

Blessing Counter — Interview
Victoria Minks — Review, Spotlight

Thursday, July 14th

Deborah C. — Review, Spotlight
Anna S. Brie — Review
Leona G. — Review, Interview

Friday, July 15th

Hope Ann — Review, Interview
Amanda Tero — Review, Interview
Anika Joy – Review, Interview 

Thoughts?  Do you want to read The Old River Road?  Wait!  You're supposed to be on Ivy's blog right now, or on Amazon buying your own copy!  What are you waiting for?!?!


  1. This book sounds super good! I'm definitely going to have to read it soon! :)

    1. I hope you can! I enjoyed Ivy's writing style. =) It's amazing that it's based off of a true story!! That made the book twice as good. =)

      Thanks for commenting, Rebekah!

  2. WONDERFUL post, Hosanna!
    I should buy The Old River Road...hmm...I'll have to ask my dad about that tonight...and then I'll do a review on it! =)
    My grandparents sure have some pretty amazing stories in their lives! Maybe I should try and write about them!
    It certainly would be good to talk to someone who knows about my MC's experience..BUT. It'd be pretty tricky to find a gypsy woman who lived in a concentration camp during the Second World War... =)
    Again, wonderful post Hosanna! I loved the interview, too! =)

    1. Why thank you, Ariel! =) I was hoping you wouldn't mind two book reviews in a row. I promise that my next post will be different. ;)

      I hope you are able to get a copy! Tell me how you like it! =)

      I *might* be jealous. =| I need to ask my grandparents if they have old journals laying around. How amazing would that be?!?! Actually, The Mystery of the Midnight Trespasser is based off of a real life story but not enough where I mentioned it. ;) We did have a dark, unmarked truck driving down our road in the middle of the night once though. **shiver** That's where I got my ideas. =)

      Lol...that's true! And I don't think there are many people left from the 1600s for me to interview. **sigh** ;)

      Thanks for commenting Ariel! =)

  3. Thank you so much for being a part of my blog tour! Your review is lovely. :)

    1. You are very welcome, Ivy! I enjoyed participating in my first blog tour. =) Thanks for hosing it!!

  4. Wonderful post! I liked your interview questions. ;)

    1. Thank you Emily! I was so tickled to have an interview. =) It makes the blog tour a lot more fun. ;) I enjoyed reading Ivy's novel, as I know you did too!
