May 15, 2023

Presenting... (a book title reveal + more!)


Are you ready for a book title reveal?!

coming this summer...

an epic novel...

of suspenseful adventure...

life-altering truth...

and a beautifully, emotionally gripping tale...




((an allegorical fantasy novel and sequel to The Torch Keepers))

Want a sneak peek?


Picking up three months after The Torch Keepers ended, this novel holds the epic adventures, heart-wrenching secrets, and life-altering truths of three beloved characters from the first book—a warrior-defector who becomes a big sister to a family of orphans while fleeing the enemy, a man with a half arm who leads an underground fortress, and a city ruler who wishes he could escape. As the future of the Kingdom hangs in the balance, the unlikely heroes must not only choose their sides but now keep their loyalty through the darkest days. When two sides collide, they must decide if the one they follow is truly worthy of every sacrifice. It seems the future of Erkeos is in the hands of a King who's never been seen.



Ahh, this story has all the feels! Adventure, emotion, truth. I can’t wait!

In 2018, God gave me the story of The Torch Keepers, and this novel came soon after. So I was faithful with the first book as this new story tickled at my mind, begging to be written. As readers finished The Torch Keepers and noted all the loose ends and unfinished stories, I couldn’t wait for them to read the completion!

But it wasn’t time until now.

Because sometimes God must teach us, grow us, and care for the roots before the bud is fully ready to open. He knew every aspect of this book and its passionate message, but I wasn’t ready as a disciple of Jesus.

Even as I wrap up last edits, I’m praying, seeking, and pursuing Him. And He is making it even more beautiful.

But how did The Way of the King come to be?




These two books are based on Isaiah 35, and the ending of the chapter is gorgeous as it describes a day when Jesus returns and all is made new:


A highway shall be there, and a road,
And it shall be called the Highway of Holiness.
The unclean shall not pass over it,
But it shall be for others.
Whoever walks the road, although a fool,
Shall not go astray...
And the ransomed of the LORD shall return,
And come to Zion with singing,
With everlasting joy on their heads.
They shall obtain joy and gladness,
And sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

Isaiah 35:8, 10

When I read that, the Lord whispered a title:

The Way of the King.

In the Bible, those words jumped out at me over and over again, and it was perfect and beautiful for this story!

((writing advice: however God leads is a good idea, no matter what!))

As I read Isaiah, I picture that road crossing through a desert land where all is dry and barren. It's a road where God’s people were. A road that leads to joy and gladness, to the city of the LORD where He will reign as King. I imagine Israel and God’s people singing on that Day.

Sometimes it’s a hard journey, a painful one of sacrifices and ridicule and persecution.

But it’s the way of the King, and He is worthy.

In Acts, followers of Jesus were called those “of the Way” (Acts 9:2), and as I wrote this book, I heard the invitation:

will you follow the way of Jesus?

In my life, there were days when the cost felt so high, and I had to decide if He was worthy of following. He required all of me. I put both sides on the scale and honestly asked myself if Jesus was worth it. Would I follow the way of Jesus?

That’s the question my characters ask.

In The Torch Keepers, the question was:

Choose your side.

And now the tension mounts as the characters go one step further:

Keep the loyalty.

Blessed are those who keep His testimonies...
They walk in His ways. 
Psalm 119:2-3


I've considered honestly if Jesus is worth it, and the answer is a resounding “yes!” I have known Jesus as the dearest friend, the closest comforter, the kindest encourager and confronter, the One who loves me more than anything. He gave up all for me so that I can walk forgiven + righteous before God, dance in freedom, talk freely with the Creator of the universe and know His future hope for me. Jesus is worthy.

I’m a disciple following the way of Jesus.

Teach me Your statutes.
Make me understand the way of Your precepts...
Remove from me the way of lying...
I have chosen the way of truth.

Psalm 119:26-27, 29-30

Oh friend, if there was any way to convince every soul that Jesus is worthy, I’d do it! Through this novel’s drafting, I watched people I love make the decision on both sides. Some chose to keep the loyalty. Others decided He wasn’t worth it.

But Jesus has changed my life. He’s offered hope and love and mercy. He makes us completely free and offers incredible purpose!. There’s nothing more valuable than knowing Him!

Every reader who explores the story within The Way of the King must decide for themselves.

You can’t just choose your side and then remain apathetic. This changes everything. Will you keep the loyalty? Will you be a disciple?


Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes,
And I shall keep it to the end...
And revive me in Your way.

Psalm 119:33, 37

As you walk in your own journey with Jesus, may we both count the cost and realize overwhelmingly that He is worthy and beautiful, and may we walk in the way of the King. *bear hugs*

((and keep your eyes open for a book cover reveal!!))

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

John 14:6


May 9, 2023

Coming this Summer... (guess the book title!)

Hi Friend!!

Ahh, I'm excited for this. I'm actually about to pack up my little sisters for their ballet and gymnastic lessons (so cute!) and then party as my other sister comes home who's been gone for two weeks on a mission's trip (one sibling gone out of 8 others is a huge hole for real!), but I had to get on and share that you get to have some bookish fun!!

Ahh! Here you go:

Four years ago, God gave me a story. Right after that, as I dug through the Bible, He whispered its name, and it was perfect. No laughter about having a title before the book was started could stop me because I knew it was Him.

And somehow, this book just finished going through its editor, and I'm about to tackle the list of changes (just a few *cough*) then format this book for a summer 2023 release!

So it's time to celebrate! I can't wait to throw out all the details of this new book: the characters, feels, story behind the title, so many truths God slipped into the adventures, and how He was faithful every single time and turned this into my favorite book I've ever written. He was so, so good in every step of this project, and I wanna share those testimonies. I think you're gonna be swept away by the epic adventures in this book!

But first, it's your turn to start the reveal!

((picture it like taking the first whack at a piñata to spill out the candy or clicking the "on" switch of a bubble machine to fill the air with them!)) *wink*

Take a guess! Comment below with the genre + title of the new release! Be as serious or fun-loving as you want, then in a few days, I'll get to share all the funnnnn!

And here's a hint to get you started: the first letters of the title!

Guess the book title below, and let's have fun!! 

...holy is His name!
His steadfast love endures from generation to generation for those who fear Him!

- Luke 1:49-50 
