Nov 15, 2022

The Tale of Honey-Water Farm || Cover Reveal + Giveaway


Last December, the filaments of a story began to dance in my mind, and somehow God wove them into a heart-warming, funny story that I absolutely love.

They're tales of a big family sharing life on a farm. But the family is composed of animals, jokes are in every chapter, truth is interwoven in between, and there're illustrations!!


The Tale of Honey-Water Farm

to be released: December 14, 2022

Eep, are you excited?

And here's the book blurb: 

In a stinky, grumpy land, the Farmer makes a happy farm and invites everyone into his animal family! From a horse full of jokes to a toad in the Pond Patrol, the animals have all the fruit and Honey-Water they could dream of. But the Farmer leaves to prepare for a Huge Farm Party. The friends face danger and strange animals who try to steal them from the farm. Can the animals hold onto the promise in their Honey-Water home? Will the Huge Farm Party ever come true?

Meet twelve huggable animals full of laughter and adventures and read why a goat tries to hide on a ceiling fan, what happens when a duck’s feet are too big, and how a possum celebrates her birthday.

And discover the secret of how every heart—young and old—can be radically faithful to their Farmer and receive a forever treasure.

Are you ready for the official, beautiful cover?!

Scroll down to let your eyes feast on the colors (I wouldn't blame you!) or read on for some of my usual whimsical thoughts if you're not one of those "skip to the last page of the book" kinda person. *wink*

Okay, just do it. Go see the cover. Ahhh!!!


Are you back now? (don't you have all the farmish feelings?!)

I think often about the fun of a book release these days. *wink*

There are reveals. Giveaways. Behind the scenes. Quotes. Aesthetics.

They're all fun, beautiful, they make you giddy inside and want to throw your arms around the characters and dance around!

And they all point to one thing:

the release day (!)


I'm thrilled. All this release is fun and exciting, and I can't wait for my little stories to be savored by readers of all ages! I dream of little ones giggling at Nelly the Nanny Goat's fake teeth falling out and older readers feeling childhood wonder as they read of Handsome Hansel the Horse and remember what it felt like to ride a bike for the first time.

This book has been all God. He gave me the stories in such a cool way, answered prayer, leads me in every step, and I hand the book back to Him so blessed that it's His project, not mine. ♥

It all culminates on December 14, the day picked for the release.

And I think of Jesus.

He's promised that there's a Day coming that's beyond our wildest imagination. It's a day of judgment—where all that is wrong will be punished—and a day of rewards—where those who trust fully in Him will be rewarded according to their works.

It's the Day a Kingdom will come to this broken earth, all will be made new, and we'll get to be with God forever! It's a day when the dead will rise and be reunited with their loved ones in whole bodies with no sickness or pain. How can I picture this without wanting to dance around?!

For the soul longing for our King, it's the day our Lover will return for His Bride, and we'll celebrate at the wedding supper of the Lamb!

For now, we wait. Anticipate. Prepare.

And in the meantime, I'm celebrating. I'm dreaming of the New Earth and how wonderful it will be to be in Jesus' presence, wrapped in His arms. I soak in His beauty in this present age. I rejoice in snippets of His shalom I find all over the world and look forward in eager expectation.

But I also seek to be ready for when the Bridegroom returns (Matthew 25:1-13).

As I celebrate this book's release and prepare it to enter the world, I'm anticipating the release day eagerly (yay!) and how it reminds me of the Day He comes. May we be found ready and faithful.

So. Are you ready for the official book cover for The Tale of Honey-Water Farm?!


cover drawn by Deborah Greene and graphic designed by Josiah Chad

And now for a giveaway to celebrate! (this giveaway is also on my Instagram (@hosanna.emily); enter on either site!)

the Prize:

// a super cute, rustic, farm-house, wax-melt warmer 

// apple crisp scented melts 

 to Enter:

// leave a comment (what do you love about farms?)


Bonus Entries: 

send to a friend (say something like "here's a book release I'm excited for!")

share on social media, your blog, etc.

extra entry for anyone on my email newsletter team!


Comment below with each entry, and the winner will be announced next Tuesday! 

I can't wait to chat below and celebrate this book release with you! Keep your eyes peeled for more behind-the-scenes info and alllll the fun stuff!


And let us continually consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but continuing to give one another strength and encouragement, and this more and more as you see the Day drawing nearer and nearer.

- Hebrews 10:22 



  1. Wow, I LOVE this! Hmmm, what I like about farms is the sights (not so much as the smells XD). So beautiful and spacious and natural; and that cover captures it in a breathtaking way.

    1. Thanks for leaving a note, Friend! Oh, I savor the sights on a farm, especially right before and during the sunsets. =) But I enjoy the smells too, so... ;) *giggles*

      God is so awesome! ♥

  2. I probably like most things about farms

    1. I'm the same way! Farms are just beautiful overall and definitely a blessing to thank the Lord for! Thanks for leaving a note, Friend!

  3. I sent this to my sister

    1. Thanks, I appreciate that! I hope you enjoy the book when it's released. =)

  4. I am a newsletter subscriber

  5. Farms are awesome

    1. I agree! They're one of my favorite things. =) Thanks for dropping a note!

  6. I love the open land around a farm. It's where a lot of my friends I played games, or went exploring. That and being able to ride our friend's horse in their corral lol.

    1. Oh yes! Wide, open fields with spotting of trees are the best and sometimes just whisper for bare feet to run through. =) And horses! *hugs* I think we're kindred spirits. =) Praise God for making so much beauty!

  7. Ooh! That book sounds awesome! My favorite thing about farms are the barns. They're so cool!
    ~Bree Pembrook,

    1. Thanks for leaving a note, Bree! Aren't barns so fun?! Exploring old, abandoned ones or walking through one full of animals and hay and tractors. =) All the fun!

  8. I'm so excited to hold this book!!! And to peer at the illustrations and discover the characters...YAY!

    My favorite thing about farms is the peacefulness. Grazing cows, roosting chickens, nighttime stars, endless meadows, and flowers everywhere!

    Treasure's favorite thing about farms is when she gets to hold kittens!

    1. *hugs* Thanks, sis! You're such an encouragement. =)

      I love the peace and how we can find Jesus' beauty and rest and shalom in so many places! Methinks we're similar in that way. ;) And holding kittens is sweet. ♥

  9. What a cute book! One thing I love about farms is the animals. All farms don’t have the same animals. If a farm has a garden, that would also be my favorite. :)

    1. Thank you, Ashley! *hugs* Yes, I love when farms have different animals to experience, but gardens! They're the best. I find myself with pocketful's of seeds every spring, just ready to plant! Surprisingly, I didn't put a garden in Honey-Water Farm, but there's orchards which are the next best. ;)

      Do you garden every year?

  10. There are so many wonderful aspects of farms, but some of my favorites have to be the beauty of large fields full of different animals; leaping lambs, grazing cows, crowing roosters, and all of the different personalities of each animal, as well as the fresh garden veggies, berries, fruits and flowers.

    1. Jubilee, I love all of those! God has given us so many blessings to enjoy, and some of the sweetest is to stop and just watch an open field of chickens pecking or lambs and kids jumping around like their legs have springs. ♥ I think that's a gift He gave you--to stop and just love and see His beauty in creation as well as the care you give His animals through your hands! It's inspiring to me. =)

  11. I just sent your book cover release to two friends and I am also on your e-mail list. 😀

  12. I love the peace on a farm :)

    1. Absolutely; the still moments when you can soak in Jesus' shalom and worship are the best! =) He is awesome!
