...(love) isn't self-seeking...
- 1 Corinthians 13:5
I sit here, sun shining through a fingerprint-smudged window, and that verse repeats in my head. Love isn't self-seeking. It doesn't seek its own.
Honestly, I haven't read a book from start to finish in a while. So when author Jordy Leigh invited me to read a brand new novel she helped edit and publish for a set of authors, I quickly said yes! And looking back, that verse was a ringing theme in the pages.
But first, the cover! (isn't it pretty?!)

A billionaire and his family. A neglected and abused daughter.
Even rich families have their issues—perhaps especially rich families. When billionaire Eric Ryan learns that his daughter will be born with partial forearms, he can’t bear the thought of having an imperfect child. He devises a scheme to have the baby aborted without his wife knowing, which drives Julie Ryan to despair.
But no; injustice is not unique to the wealthy. Hundreds of miles away, Mara Brenner grows up in the care of her mother and stepfather—if it can be called “care.” Her mother alternates between abuse and negligence, and her stepfather is plain cruel.
What hope is there for the pain-ridden Ryan family? And what grace could ever allow Mara to heal from a lifetime of hurt? There is a common thread that spans time, space, and dastardly deeds to restore.
The novel centers, especially in the beginning, on the life of Julie Ryan.
She struggles. She's weak. She hurts.
But Julie stands out in the story as a woman focused on simple truths. She humbly loves and serves the people in her life - despite their responses - and God uses her to draw the entire family towards the Lord and His eternal, far greater love and purpose.
And that's why the verse repeats in my mind:
Love isn't self-seeking.
In 2 Peter, God promises that through His divine power we have everything we need for a godly life. So I look at my own life, my heart, and ponder.
When Jesus asked His disciples to follow Him, it didn't mean they had to memorize more Scripture or go to a church building or give their money to the poor. It was an invitation into His very near presence. Those actions might have followed in some shape or form, but the heart was to be in His presence, love Him, learn from Him, be near Him.
Not a list of do's or don't's but transformed lives!
Not doing more to erase our faults but embracing His rightness and letting that change us!
And He did it all from love. He was (and is!) glad to choose, deliver us! How could we keep from praising?!
The disciples gave up their lives for a greater purpose and future. They saw Jesus' immense humility and lack of self-seeking, and they obeyed His call to give up all and follow! Because He was worthy and still is today. ♥
That's what Julie's Flowers reminds me of. It shows how God can use someone's life of humility to make a difference for the Kingdom. How there's something more important than what we quickly deem as success in this life. The book is a reminder that we can forgive. We can be healed. All because of Jesus.
I'm excited as this new novel enters the world! I hope it reminds its readers that God writes the best stories, and to surrender to Him is the best victory.
I enjoyed the writing style (you can read the epilogue for a peek here!) and the dream behind the story; after Tang passed away, her husband picked up the project and continued it in her honor! It made the story sweeter to read knowing this was Tang's vision that was able to be completed.
(And just saying, Michael was my favorite character.) *happy sigh*
There were some aspects of the book I didn't enjoy as much, and I wouldn't recommend it to young readers (if interested, contact me for specifics). Still, it was a fun story I enjoyed! Tang and Streeter did a great job, and I appreciated the focus on the Gospel and support for the unborn! As I ended the book, I was reminded of the beauty of storytelling, characters, and truth in fictitious tales. *happy sigh*
So enjoy one of my favorite quotes from the book, and let's chat below!
It's your turn, my friend!
Have you read this brand new novel?! What's been on your heart lately? Do you enjoy book spotlights or more traditional posts?
(psst) Also I always enjoy hearing from you through my "
Connect" page! Let me know if I can ever pray for you or support you in any way! *hugs*
(the Holy Spirit) who is a down payment toward the inheritance all us will receive at the final deliverance of those whom God has purchased to be His own, so that we would sing in praise of His greatness.
- Ephesians 1:14