I grew up imagining that I was a princess.
I wasn't the kind of princess you would find at Disney. In fact, I never cared for Disney at all. Those princesses were fine in their own way, but I didn't want their silky dresses and perfect hair.
No, I wanted to be a beautiful princess because I knew God was my Daddy in heaven. And if my Father is a King, doesn't that make me royalty?
So I grew up reading all the books about God's little princesses. I painted my toes, slipped in earrings, and tried to discover what a real princess should be like. One day I would get to Heaven and finally be with my King, and I dreamed about the beautiful moment.
Some things have changed since then. My princess books collect dust on a shelf, and I don't often sweep down the stairs in a royal gown. But I still indulge in fanciful thoughts at random when I think of my tiara, shut in the darkness of a desk drawer.
And yet I wonder if a princess is who I was made to be.

When we become Christians, we take on Christ's identity and become His daughters (2 Corinthians 6:18). We are loved, treasured, and forgiven. Christ calls us friends (John 15:15), and we are joint heirs under His name (Galatians 3:29). Those who are saved are adopted into a united family, serving our King and seeking to bring His name glory.
I don't see any fallacy in calling ourselves princesses as long as we understand what that term really means.
A princess knows she is the daughter of a great and glorious King, but she doesn't use that position wrongfully. True royalty serves, lives in humility, and seeks two wondrous callings:
First, to honor the King.
And second, to love others.
Which can be summarized by Jesus' commandments,
"'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"
Dear friend, let's examine some areas of life and see if we're living like His princesses.
Our Outer Garments
Typically, you can identify royalty because of their dress. A diamond crown graces their head, a cape sweeps against marble tile, or their clothes are made of the richest silk. But in reality, that's not how we live (although wouldn't it be fun?).
We represent the King, and that should be evident by our clothes. When we dress in clothes that are just a bit too tight or shirts that come a tad too low, what pictures are we sending to the world? We dress modestly not only to keep others from stumbling but also to honor the One who gave everything for us.
Maybe you wear only dresses and skirts. Your head could be covered or uncovered (tiara or otherwise). Braids, jewelry, or other adornments might be embraced or thrust aside. But either way, dress in the way that the Lord has convicted you to be right for yourself.
In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation...
(If you're interested, click on the link and read the rest of the verse. I'm curious what other believers think of the next topic addressed in that passage.)
But being a princess is about so much more than garments.
Our Words
All throughout the Bible, there are commandments advising us how to speak. Perhaps that's because our words represent who we are. They show the hidden person inside us and where our heart is. If we speak constantly in negative or complaining voices, our hearts are probably not aligned with His (ouch).
I could write so much about the power of words, but to keep this from stretching on, you can read more in this blog post or this article.
Our words are meant to build others up (1 Thessalonians 5:11), and if we truly love others, that's what we will do. We'll bring comfort, guidance, love, honesty. We'll help others rejoice and support them when they have fallen.
Also, as representatives of Christ, our words will be pure. We won't swear (Matthew 5:34) or take the Lord's Name in vain (Exodus 20:7). However, I wonder if it goes deeper.
I choose not to use crude language because I don't see it as fitting for daughters of a King. Words like "gosh" can stand for other words that are not honoring to God, in my opinion (this article has some interesting thoughts in that area). Although this is a matter of conviction for me personally, I challenge you to examine your words.
Are they honoring? Are they loving? Are they uplifting?
Should you be speaking them?
Our Posessions
When I imagine a princess, the first image I see is a beautiful individual kneeling before the poor and offering a hand of help. Not the clothes nor the jewels but something much deeper.
Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel—rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.
A princess is someone who gives her possessions willingly. She shares, knowing that a life is more important than an object.
But it's not just a tithe. She shares everything she has because of love. How could she know of someone in need and not help? That what love does - it gives radically.
Dear Friend, maybe you're a princess or maybe you're not. Perhaps that term makes you uncomfortable, and you'd rather be known as a simple child of God. But either way, let us live in such a way as to bring the King glory.
Let's dress, speak, and give to honor Him.
I always imagined myself as a princess, but now I am older. I see how life isn't always rainbows and butterflies - storms come in, flowers fall, and tears burn. But sometimes, when the stars are brightest in a midnight sky, it's easy to go back and remember.
You are loved as His child if you have committed yourself to Him. Let's live like it.
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
- Colossians 3:17
My name actually means princess in Hebrew. My older sister would write stories about my other sister and me as Princess Emily and Princess Sarah.
ReplyDeleteFor those of us who are in God’s family we are His children... making us princesses and princes if you want to look at it that way. And we should live like it. Not in a selfish or overly wealthy way, but in the gentle, beautiful kind of way that’s honoring to God. Through how we dress, speak, and act reflect who our hearts belong to.
Thanks for sharing this, Hosanna! Beautiful post :).
Absolutely, Sarah! Every human on earth is loved passionately by the God of the universe, and if we call ourselves Christians, we take His name as our own. But do we live like it?
DeleteI saw the quote you shared on Jessica's blog:
"Don’t shine so that others can see you. Shine so that through you they can see Him." - C.S Lewis.
That sums it up so nicely. We should be princesses representing the King, not drawing attention to ourselves.
You're so loved Sarah. ♥
I love this post, Hosanna! It's so real and practical and sensitive to varying convictions.
ReplyDeleteIt made me think of the Bible references 2 Timothy 2:11-12 and Romans 8:16-17:
"Here is a trustworthy saying: If we die with him, we will also live with him; if we endure [some translations say "suffer"], we will also reign with him..." - 2 Timothy 2:11-12
"The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs - heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we might also share in his glory." - Romans 8:16-17
I think some deviations of the true Gospel focus on this present life, as though we're entitled to special treatment from others now. For that reason, I really appreciate this post. You use the word "princess" in the title to catch our attention, then you show us what it *really* means to live as children of God. Because yes, we're most certainly meant to live differently once we've been adopted into God's family, it's just not what the Prosperity Gospel would have us believe. When you read descriptions of the new heaven and the new earth - our eternal home - the promises of glory are brilliant and unblushing! The focus on riches and reward is then, not now. Let's not miss what we're meant to live like now so we don't miss what the faithful are promised, then.
(Also, you asked on our thoughts on the second part of 1 Timothy 2:9. I think this verse offers very helpful insight into how we prioritise our time, energy, and money. If we had resources enough to invest in knowing, loving and serving God *and* to invest in extravagant beauty routines and accessories then... why not? But I don't think that's realistic since the harvest is plentiful and the workers are few, and if we're to spend time just knowing and being with our Creator *besides* serving Him, I don't think there's enough time. Outward appearance presents itself as a second master, and we can't simultaneously serve two. Those are my thoughts. I want to hear yours! And I want to check back later and see if anyone else has shared theirs.)
Mm, good thoughts, Jordy. I'm especially thankful that my post was clear enough to show that I do not support the "prosperity gospel," which is in reality no Gospel at all. As followers of Christ, I believe we are loved, treasured, and redeemed. However, that doesn't mean we can grab onto wealth and prosperity as our "right in Christ". What did Christ promise? Didn't He say that we will pick up our cross and follow Him?
DeleteAh, how wonderful it will be when we do reach our reward though! Just to be in His presence, to rejoice with so many others in the body of Christ. What a day that will be.
I don't think I've heard 1 Timothy 2:9 read that way, but it does make sense. I've always wondered if it was wrong for me to braid my hair, wear gold, or the other beauty routines mentioned in that verse. Perhaps it comes down to the question, are we promoting our own reputation or Christ's good Name? I don't see make-up as wrong necessarily, but if our minds are focused on the here and now, we are missing the point.
Those are really good thoughts, Jordy. Thank you so much for sharing them. ♥
I hope you don't mind if I pop in here and share some thoughts! I've certainly thought and wondered about that verse that says don't wear braided hair or jewelry. I think we have to remember when we read Scripture the original context. After research, each place I've read agrees that it doesn't mean those things are wrong. One place said that when taken in context they refer to the bigger topics of modesty and humility.
DeleteA quote:
"In first-century Roman culture, women would customarily braid or twist their hair high onto their heads, often decorating their locks with jewels, gold adornments, and more to garner attention. The ornate displays indeed drew a public response, but the apostles’ point is that to flaunt one’s beauty for selfish adoration is not in line with the humility of Christ."
I think we need to read Scripture first remembering the original hearers. Then seeing how it might apply today...which is usually a literal application, but sometimes it isn't. The principal of these verses is humility I think and not wanting to cause a great stir or cause yourself to get a lot of attention. So for me I apply this to my life as not spending tons of time doing my hair or doing elaborate hairstyles a lot. Also not making my face look "gody" or draw attention in a non-natural way(colored hair or crazy eyeshadow:). But also I think it's important for us to focus some on this area. To braid my hair simply, even to put on some makeup can make me look like I'm caring for the body and face God's given me.(and I want to affirm that wearing no makeup is totally fine!) I think we usually focus too MUCH on our appearance, but it is also important to focus some on it and look presentable.
I hope this helps you understand this passage a bit more. I'd love to hear your thoughts!!
Thank you for joining in, Hannah! I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this topic, as it's one I've thought about for a long time but never took the time to study thoroughly. I think I would tend to agree with what both you and Jordy wrote.
DeleteI've heard it said that braids, jewelry, painted faces, etc. were typically worn by prostitutes back in the early ADs - which would make it obvious why Christians would abstain from that. Although I don't know if that is true, I think it sets the right mindset: it's all about the picture we want to send the world.
As Jordy said, "I don't see make-up as wrong necessarily, but if our minds are focused on the here and now, we are missing the point." Perhaps Paul wasn't worried about outward appearance as much as he wanted women to focus on their inward heart.
Thank you for helping me clear my thoughts in this area. It reminds me of the book of Philippians when it says our attitudes should be the same as that of Christ Jesus. Humility is so important.
Hannah, I like your comment that you inserted on the quote that you shared. You said, "I think we need to read Scripture first remembering the original hearers. Then seeing how it might apply today...which is usually a literal application, but sometimes it isn't." I would agree and affirm that sometimes it's litteral and sometimes it isn't.
DeleteI was once with a girl and her mom. The girl had a hat that looked like a duck and asked her mom if she could wear it to church one day. The mom kindly told the girl that no, she couldn't. She explained to her girl that it would be fine to wear on in the summer when everyone else was wearing hats like that. But to wear it to church in the winter would make everyone look at her and we want people to "look at God" when we're going to worship Him. That little experience didn't involve hairstyle or jewellery, but the same ideas applied. I think that mom was training up her girl, even at a young age, to be discerning in the matter of how to point others to God.
PS - Yes! Thanks for joining in, Hannah! I love discussing this between the three of us!
Jordy, that's such a sweet yet applicable story. Recently, I realized how the way we dress at church is actually very important. I've always "dressed up" because I enjoy doing so, and Sunday was an excuse to slip on a dress and look pretty. While that's certainly not wrong, I never considered what others would think. What if a less well-dressed person came to church? Would my clothes cause him/her to be lead astray or feel uncomfortable? Everything we do should be done with love, and sometimes that's shown by the way we dress. Although I'm not saying we shouldn't strive to be pretty, we must be careful to put Him and others first.
DeletePerhaps that was unrelated, but the story you shared was a good reminder for me. We should always seek to point to Jesus, not attract attention. Thank you, Jordy. ♥
This is gold. Such truth!!
ReplyDeleteKeep shining a light for Jesus, Hosanna. You are such an inspiration and encouragement to me. <3
Thank you, sweet Lila! I hope this post was able to encourage you to live radically for our King. You are loved!
DeleteGod has gifted you with an amazing way with words, Hosanna! I've been encouraged reading your posts! Keep serving our King!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Lyd! I'm thankful to have friends who continually encourage me to pursue more of Jesus. He is so very faithful. ♥